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DichtLicht op het verleden

17 December 2021 to 24 March 2022

About this activity.

DichtLicht op het verleden shares personal stories of Groningers about the impact of the slavery past in their (family) lives.

In the Tschumi Pavilion, meaningful words from poems by city poet Myron Hamming are displayed daily from sunset in the light artwork by Lambert Kamps. Four people from Groningen tell Myron Hamming about the influence of colonial history on their (family) lives. Inspired by their stories, he writes four poems. The poems alternate every two to three weeks. The series starts with a prologue based on Myron Hamming's own story.

A QR code at the artwork leads to audio fragments in which the city poet recites his poems and to the stories of Groningers about the slavery past. Listen to the first poem here (only in Dutch).

DichtLicht by Lambert Kamps (1974) is an installation that “writes” words with lighting tubes. The lamps slowly slide in and out of closed tubes. Words from Myron Hamming's poems are depicted in this way. Lambert Kamps is an artist and designer in Groningen. He studied fashion and design before entering the art academy in Groningen in 1994. He presents his work in galleries, at trade fairs and during local events. The work is located at the interface of art, architecture and design.

With this new exhibition, Kunstpunt takes over from the Tschumi Pavilion Foundation and curator Marinus de Vries, who have managed the pavilion since 1995.

Kunstpunt Groningen.

Kunstpunt Groningen (voorheen CBK) is hét knooppunt voor beeldende kunst. Wij lenen kunstwerken uit, begeleiden kunstopdrachten in de openbare ruimte en bij bedrijven, ontwikkelen educatieprojecten voor scholen en organiseren tentoonstellingen en activiteiten. 

Kunstpunt Groningen (formerly CBK) is the hub for visual arts. We lend works of art, supervise art assignments in public spaces and at companies, develop educational projects for schools and organize exhibitions and activities.


Hereplein 1
tel (050) 317 17 07