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Stichting Kunstpunt Groningen (registered name) is registered with the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.

The foundation was established in mid-October 2018 under the name Stichting Centrum Beeldende Kunst Groningen and arose from the autonomisation of the municipal department of the same name, CBK Groningen. As of 1 January 2019, the foundation will receive a grant from the Municipality of Groningen. In February 2021, the name of CBK Groningen was changed to Kunstpunt Groningen. The directorship has been held by Ms Lieselot Van Damme since May 2024.


The aim of the foundation is to promote the visual arts in a quantitative and qualitative sense as far as possible and to make a multifaceted contribution to maintaining and further developing the cultural potential in the field of the visual arts. The foundation’s working area is the city of Groningen and the region.

The statutory objectives are:

  • careful management and utilisation of the municipal art collection.
  • providing a substantive programme in the broadest sense of the word aimed at: Collection management and lending, Education and information provision, Production and presentation, Talent development and Facilitating the sector.
  • the stimulation of participation by realising activities, publications, productions and exhibitions or by mediating between and supporting organisations and initiatives in this field.
  • reaching a broad target group, whereby residents who do not come into contact with the visual arts as a matter of course form a focus group.
  • the performance of parts a to d for clients outside the municipality insofar as these are independently financed.
  • the performance of all that is related to the above or is conducive to it in the broadest sense of the word.


The staff of Kunstpunt Groningen together comprised an average of 9 FTEs, divided between the Street Art, Art Borrowing, Talent Development, Education and Staff departments. See who’s who here.


The Supervisory Board consists of Mr J. Cooijmans, Ms D. Kasova and Mr N. vom Bruch. The members of the Supervisory Board are unsalaried.




In 2020, the supervisory board and the director again developed policies, guidelines, and structures to apply and test the Cultural Governance Code within the organisation.


We endorse the Fair Practice Code in order to maintain a healthy labour market in the cultural sector, to allow the sector to exist and to make the urgency clear to all parties involved. The Collective Labour Agreement for Arts Education has been adopted and is applied within Kunstpunt Groningen. For artists with whom we work, we follow the fee guidelines, always looking at other expenses in consultation with the artists. Even when working with multiple parties, we closely monitor that the code is being applied as far as possible.


Kunstpunt Groningen is pre-eminently an institution that endorses diversity on all fronts. Kunstpunt Groningen wants to reach as many different people in Groningen as possible and make a contribution to the social debate. To this end, we offer programmes that are in keeping with the living environment of the people of Groningen and put current themes on the agenda. The activities that we offer are low-threshold, accessible and mostly free. We regard this as a specific social task. We not only plan programmes in Kunstpunt Groningen, but also outside of it, in the neighbourhoods and at schools, not avoiding controversial subjects. Our activities are easily accessible both physically and digitally.



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