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DichtLicht op het verleden

If you walk past Hereplein, you will see a new presentation in the Tschumi Pavilion. This winter, Kunstpunt is programming a special version of the installation DichtLicht by Lambert Kamps. DichtLicht op het verleden shares personal stories of Groningers about the impact of the slavery past in their (family) lives.

City poet Myron Hamming listens to four Groningers talk about the influence of colonial history on their (family) lives. Inspired by their stories, he writes four poems. The light artwork by Lambert Kamps shows meaningful words from his poems from sunset. The poems alternate every two to three weeks.

In this video, Mayor of the Municipality of Groningen Koen Schuiling, Alderman Glimina Chakor, Roberto Refos of the Noaberschap Foundation, Kunstpunt director Paula Lambeck, artist Lambert Kamps and city poet Myron Hamming speak about the importance of this project.

Credits: Studio Ongezouten