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From the Memory Balcony to the Wet Bridge: a guided tour of artworks around the Hereweg

Kunstpunt Groningen
3 July 2022

About this activity.

Saturday 2 July it will be exactly one year ago that the Memory Balcony on the Hereweg was officially opened. A good reason to organize a tour in the area around the Hereweg, where this special work of art can also be found.

During the tour, the rich history of this versatile part of the city is revealed on the basis of various works of art. The literal highlight of the walk is of course a visit to the Memory Balcony, from where there is a beautiful view of the work on the southern ring road.

The tour takes place on Sunday 3 July at 1 pm. The starting point is the Memory Balcony on Hereweg, near the southern ring road. The end point is a little further on the Hereweg at the 'wet bridge'. A maximum of 15 people can participate per tour.

You can register for the tour by buying a ticket in our webshop.

Please note: this walk is not suitable for participants who are in a wheelchair and/or have difficulty walking.

Sunday, July 3, 2022 at 1 p.m

The area around the Hereweg between the southern ring road and the Helperdiep.

The starting point is The Memory Balcony which is located on the Hereweg, between the southern ring road and the Papiermolenlaan

About 1.5 hours

€2.50 per person

Wheelchair friendly

Main language

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Kunstpunt Groningen.

Kunstpunt Groningen (voorheen CBK) is hét knooppunt voor beeldende kunst. Wij lenen kunstwerken uit, begeleiden kunstopdrachten in de openbare ruimte en bij bedrijven, ontwikkelen educatieprojecten voor scholen en organiseren tentoonstellingen en activiteiten. 

Kunstpunt Groningen (formerly CBK) is the hub for visual arts. We lend works of art, supervise art assignments in public spaces and at companies, develop educational projects for schools and organize exhibitions and activities.


Kunstpunt Groningen
Trompsingel 27A
9724 DA Groningen
tel (050) 317 17 07