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Uncle Loeks’ Horse (Het Peerd van Ome Loeks)

Jan de Baat

About this artwork.

The sculpture is made of white-painted, reinforced quartz concrete. The horse and the owner have been abstracted. The anatomy is shown by clearly defined surfaces. This creates an interesting interplay of lines that is enhanced by the effect of light and shade.
There is uncertainty about the origin of the horse. A well-known Groningen folk song, Het peerd van ome Loeks is dood, (Uncle Loeks’ horse is dead) tells the story of a certain Lucas (Loeks) van Hemmen and his famous racehorse. The horse is said to have contracted a fatal infection from a nail scratch from the owner on its nose. There are different versions of how the animal came to its end. There are even sources claiming that the song is not originally from Groningen but is based on a German student song.
The division over its historical origin seemed to herald the reactions to the sculpture itself. The horse was thought to be too skinny and the posture with the hanging head too passive. When the sculpture had to be restored in 1966, it emerged that the artist was not satisfied either: he offered to make a completely new design free of charge. The Council for the Arts even advised the Municipality not to spend any more money on restoring the sculpture. Despite these negative responses, it ended well for Uncle Loeks and his horse because the statue has adorned the Stationsplein for many years now.

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