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Silvia B.

About this artwork.

At first glance, this lady meets well-known beauty ideals: she has a fine, pale face with high cheekbones, a hip forest of hair and a piercing under her lip. She seems to be standing impressively high on her legs, in a dress with the huge skirt draped over a crinoline. But the woman appears to be a doll, of which the perspective between upper and lower body is not correct. Her legs dangle under the transparent skirt. She has elevated herself, as it were, in the wheeled crinoline, because she cannot meet the usual beauty ideal of long legs, and moves with prosthetic arms. Silvia B. was inspired for this sculpture by current scientific developments, which contribute to what man can do. The lady is an anti-beauty; a sum of different types and styles. Cascade's postmodernist architecture provides an appropriate backdrop for this. 

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Emmasingel 1 (Cascadecomplex)

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