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The Cut (De Knip – 37 parts)

Noud de Wolf

About this artwork.

Scattered crisscross along the Van Starkenborghkanaal and the adjoining cycle path are the 37 Corten steel columns by Noud de Wolf. In a playful way, they prevent motorists from entering the Van Starkenborgh neighbourhood. This artistic traffic obstacle was commissioned by the Traffic Department of the Department of Environmental Affairs. Dull concrete piles are usually used to close off roads. Noud de Wolf turned the obstacles into playful objects that seem to hop out of the water and “run” to the other side to stop the cars. The pentagonal shape of the obstacles is derived from the basalt column. Basalt is formed by the solidification of lava – the shrinkage that occurs during solidification leads to typical pentagonal columns. Noud de Wolf sees this piece of art as "a symbol of living nature".


Ulgersmaweg (bij Gerrit Krol-brug)

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