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The construction of the Forum on the Grote Markt has been under way for quite a while, but as the Americans say: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Or at least draw a comic on the building fence to brighten up the Markt. Maria van Driel delivered the fifth comic in this alternating series.

‘Hopefully people will find joy in it,’ says Van Driel. ‘What I wanted to put into this work was alienation, but in a happy way. I use the metaphor of the tourist: How do you interact with a new place?’

The tourist in the comic strip (with hat, sunglasses and optimistic, bare knees) takes selfies at locations throughout the city. Passers-by will easily recognise the spots: the Groninger Museum, the railway station, the town hall, and also the Martinitoren come into view.


The project was commissioned by the Centrum Beeldende Kunst Groningen (Groningen Centre for the Visual Arts - CBK). ‘Each comic has a different theme. My theme was Groningen: gateway to the world. The comic is about Groningen's relationship with the international. For example, that’s why David Bowie’s in there.’


The comic strip was unveiled on 11 February by alderman Paul de Rook and Mare van Koningsveld of the CBK with a ‘shot’ fired from the cartoon pistol. Two buses parked in front of the fence drove off so that those present could admire the fruits of Van Driel's labour.

‘I just started drawing about three months ago,’ says the young artist. ‘Initially it's still quite a fun mess, but then I keep working the best things out. Throughout the process, I discussed it several times with the CBK. There was a lot of exchange.’


Maria van Driel has never worked on a project like this before. ‘When I had just graduated, I made a lot of small comic books which I then sold at comic fairs. So people in “comic land” do come across me. This project was very different from those booklets because it is so big. It is not quite my thing, but very interesting to do. I do like different styles; I am a versatile person.’

Each artist brings something new to the Grote Markt and highlights a different part of the city. ‘Compared to my predecessors, I am a bit coarser in terms of lines and the panels are close together. That's my individual style.’

For those walking through the city, the comic strip is a lot more fun to look at than the green construction shack behind it. Van Driel: ‘The reactions I have heard so far have been positive. My father liked it!’