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This is what the winners of the Hendrik de Vriesstipendium 2021 made with their stipend

Leonard Witte and Ivo Smit won the Hendrik de Vriesstipendium a year ago: an annual incentive prize for young, professional and talented Groningen artists, intended to stimulate their artistic development. The winners each received a cash prize of 6,000 euros, which they could use to implement their submitted plans. How have they experienced the past year?

Leonard Witte (1986) won the Hendrik de Vriesstipendium 2021 in the Visual Arts category a year ago. What did he do with this stipend?

“After winning the Hendrik de Vriesstipendium, I took a number of important steps in my artistry. With my ceramics I mainly started working a step bigger. In the exhibition I am showing two vases that both barely fit in the oven when baking. For my drawings this year I have delved further into architectural history, which has given me unexpected, new ideas.

“On one of the drawings that I am going to show, a bathhouse is depicted. There is only a shallow layer of water in the bath and dogs have taken up residence. This year I've been dealing with the aftermath of the Roman occupation and incorporated some of my findings into this drawing. As always in my work, it is not a one-to-one account of my research, but I translate it into a fictional culture. On the walls above the bath I depict a struggle. This is not a battle between legionnaires and barbarians, but between inept figures, in which no camps can be distinguished.

“As in previous work, I reflect on the history of the Netherlands, especially on the time before the country existed. I ask myself questions like: how did the people who lived here see themselves and what outside influences have become part of their identity? As a result, many familiar elements can be recognized in my work, but by converting it to a fictional culture, they become part of an alienating world. A world in which no one really feels at home.”

Leonard Witte's work can be seen from 11 December 2022 to 13 January 2023 in an exhibition at Kunstpunt.

Ivo Smit (1987) won the Hendrik de Vriesstipendium 2021 in the Literature category a year ago. What did he do with this stipend?

“Last year was chaotic, busy and a lot of fun. I worked on my text with great pleasure and stress and I am very satisfied with the result. In the end it really started to become something; a book. A very clear and serious target that made me feel challenged. I have also noticed that Anton Scheepstra of Uitgeverij Passage and Judith (the writing coach I paid for from the stipend budget) have added two nice and valuable people to my life, who helped me a lot to finish my book. to get. I would have liked to have had another year to continue working on the book, but it is now also a good lesson to let it go and see if and what it will do in the world.

“As promised, I have made an eclectic work, with all kinds of different language and text forms: poetry, drama and prose. At the same time, it has become much larger than intended in the plan. Instead of one bee, it is about several bees. Maybe even more about 'being with'. Anyway, a quote, from one of the parts:

The first bee was seen and noted,

like an angel pooping on your tongue,

and the whole course of the sentence changes,

I follow my will, my will, my country,

for there the gardens grow green, rich and high,

full of fruits and loving dance,

with free parties in the tall grass,

under trees where plums hang,

and many multicolored flowers bloom.

“I am especially curious how people will react. I am happy with what I have made and proud of it. I don't feel much tension now, also because I couldn't have done better. It feels a bit strange that I have a place in an exhibition, but that I have made a book. I like having that place and showing something, but of course I would prefer that everyone just read the book!"

The book Too bee or not to be by Ivo Smit can be viewed from 11 December 2022 to 13 January 2023 in an exhibition at Kunstpunt.