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Vrije Inloop - weekly creative afternoon for children

VRIJDAG - Walstraat
5 April 2023 to 21 June 2023

About this activity.

Drum your hands red during a djembe workshop, create your own play or discover together with various artist teachers how much fun it is to make art. It's all possible during the Vrije Inloop at VRIJDAG! Children, musicians, theater makers and artists work together every Wednesday afternoon from 2.30 pm to 5 pm in our children's workshop. Every week a different group, a different teacher and a different workshop! We kick off at 2.30 pm with a short introduction to the theme and activities of the day. Choose what you want to do on the spot! From 15:45 to 16:00 we take a break together, after which you can choose one of the other activities. Registration is not necessary, but be on time because there are a limited number of places. You can buy a separate ticket for 8 euros on arrival or a strippenkaart: a card of 5 strips costs 40 euros and a card of 10 strips costs 75 euros. Payment is only possible with pin.

More info: Vrije Inloop | VRIJDAG Groningen (


Iedereen kan meedoen aan kunst en cultuur. Dat is de missie van VRIJDAG, het huis van de amateurkunst voor Groningen. In de gemeente Groningen biedt VRIJDAG cursussen, lessen en workshops muziek, theater en beeldende kunst. Ook verzorgt VRIJDAG cultureel aanbod in de wijken en in het onderwijs. Via KultuurLoket adviseert en ondersteunt VRIJDAG amateurkunstenaars in de hele provincie Groningen en met POPgroningen stimuleert VRIJDAG popmuziek van Groningse bodem.


VRIJDAG - Walstraat
Walstraat 34
9711 VS Groningen
tel 050 3051450