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Uit de kunst

Groninger Museum
25 March 2023 to 17 September 2023

About this activity.

In this exhibition you’ll discover nine Groningen women who created art in the 18th and 19th centuries.

These artists were renowned in their day. They won prizes and belonged to artistic societies. Their work hung on the walls in local houses. Why did it fall out of fashion, and why did they disappear from the art-historical scene? Curator Egge Knol’s farewell exhibition gives these women artists who “fell out of art” the attention they deserve.

Famous in their day
Works in the spotlight include paintings and drawings by Elisabeth Geertruida Wassenbergh, Albarta ten Oever, Geesje Mesdag-van Calcar, Henriëtte Guillemina Wolthers-Brockes and Hillegonda Adriana Meurs-Sibinga. Most of these artists came from wealthy families, and their affluence and status enabled them to take part in exhibitions. Stepping out of the domestic sphere and revealing themselves as artists was a risky thing to do. They were exposing themselves and their work to visitors’ critical gaze, as women rarely did then. But as a result, their art was seen and bought in Groningen, and hence it is being highlighted in this exhibition.

About the curator
Uit de kunst is curated by Egge Knol. After nearly 30 years, he is bidding farewell to the Groninger Museum, where he is the Groningen cultural history curator. He acquired many of the works in the exhibition during his tenure. A few others come from the Groninger Archieven, an institution with which the Groninger Museum works closely on projects related to Groningen cultural history.

Groninger Museum.

Mede door een gift van 25 miljoen gulden van de Nederlandse Gasunie kon het Groninger Museum gerealiseerd worden. In 1994 werd het museum geopend door koningin Beatrix. Het museumgebouw geldt als één van de hoogtepunten van het postmodernisme. De uitgangspunten van de architect Mendini waren: geen hiërarchie in de kunstdisciplines, overvloedig gebruik van decoraties en samenwerken met gastontwerpers. Hierdoor ontstond een divers samenspel van ruimtes. In deze ruimtes wordt aandacht besteed aan vier uiteenlopende collecties: archeologie en geschiedenis van Groningen, kunstnijverheid, oude beeldende kunst en hedendaagse kunst.


Groninger Museum
Museumeiland 1
9711ME Groningen
tel 050 3666555