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Props | Linda Stauffer & Anne Schmidt, Caz Egelie and Broken Toaster Records

3 March 2021 to 28 March 2021

About this activity.

SIGN opens again from March 3! Due to the new regulations for the shops, the exhibition “PROPS” by Caz Egelie, Linda Stauffer and Anne Schmidt and Broken Toaster Records can be visited from 3 – 28 March! We follow the recent guidelines of the government and RIVM.


Please register and make an appointment via the link above; 4 hours prior to the visit. A limited number of people per day can be admitted, max. 2 people per half hour, of course with mouth masks, 1.5 meters distance and disinfection of hands.
Note: Visits on weekends 27 and 28 March are not possible due to. performances, live streams.

Presentations: March 3 - 28

Linda Stauffer & Anne Schmidt, Caz Egelie and Broken Toaster Records make strong visual settings, storylines and active installations during the work period, stuffed with stimulating set pieces, attributes, costumes, etc., playing with expectations. After 9 February, these "stages" will be filled with interactions, performances, gigs, videos and streams performed by the artists themselves and inviting others to take part as well. The nature and appearance of PROPS (and therefore also the audience) is driven by corona conditions.

The exhibition can be visited from 3 - 28 March.
Opening hours: Tue. to Sat: 12-5pm & Sun: 2-5pm.

March 20-21 and March 27-28 between 3 pm-8pm
Saturday 3/20: Harmjan Roeles, Broken Toaster Records 
Sunday 3/21: Lyckle, Kim en Gijsje, Broken Toaster Records
Saturday 3/27: LosDQ, Broken Toaster Records 
Sunday 3/28: OG Coltrane, Broken Toaster Records

Note on performances and audience: We are dependent on the regulations of the government and RIVM with regard to corona whether an (limited) audience can be present at the performances, this will be determined later. If the performances with an audience is not permitted, then only live streams will take place from SIGN on 27 or 28 March between 3 - 8 pm. Keep an eye on our website and social media for the latest news.

More info:


SIGN is een levendige en experimentele projectruimte voor actuele interdisciplinaire kunst op nationaal niveau. Zij biedt jonge kunstenaars een podium voor verdere profilering, ontwikkeling en intensivering van hun kunstenaarschap. Daarbij wordt nieuw werk geïnitieerd in bijzondere contexten en wordt de nodige reflectie gegeven. Presentaties zijn er in SIGN, op allerlei locaties, en in openbare ruimte met een variatie aan omstandigheden, invalshoeken, disciplines.

SIGN wordt ondersteund door Mondriaan Fonds Kunstpodium Basis 2021-2022 en ook voor de periode 2023-2024 


Winschoterkade 10
tel 050-3132651