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Galerie Noord
2 October 2021 to 28 October 2021

About this activity.

Janny Smit works with textiles in very different ways. Fabric, rope, yarn, wool: as long as it is pliable and movable and wants to be shaped and changed, Janny uses it. The works with textiles develop with her. In addition to sculptures, she now also makes collages, videos and installations. In ONTSTOFT you experience the freedom with which Janny chooses materials and techniques. She takes everything that comes her way, including finds from the street. She immerses you in a world all her own.

Her organic sculptures have human forms, but are never realistic. The chosen fabrics, designs and colors invite you to associate.

She makes the collages, which Janny calls sewing, by sewing or embroidering textiles, paper and cardboard. Using lines and composition, she creates alienating, new images.

Her videos and installations are characterized by the use of textile-covered objects in non-specific spaces. In the worlds that arise you see the very diverse techniques that Janny applies.

Opening: October 2, 5:00 PM

Galerie Noord.

Galerie Noord is een expositieruimte in hartje Groningen. Vierwekelijks bieden we kunstenaars uit het Noorden de mogelijkheid recent werk te tonen, solo of in kleine groepen. Galerie Noord richt zich op autonoom, experimenteel en onderzoekend werk in vrijwel alle disciplines. We willen bezoekers verrassen door tentoonstellingen te bieden met een wisselend karakter. 
Galerie Noord wordt volledig gerund door vrijwilligers. In 1997 werd de galerie opgericht als kunstenaarsinitiatief.


Galerie Noord
Nieuwstad 6
9711 JP Groningen
tel 050-3113322