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Fabricating Permanence

Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura
17 March 2024 to 21 April 2024

About this activity.

“Fabricating Permanence” deals with the time in which Man Pan Lau had to leave his safely home in Hong Kong, due to political unrest. By taking distance, mentally and physically, he learnt how to handle within a new environment.
The adaptation, change and the expansion of his existence, produced new themes.
New stories to tell and a search for new stability, rhythm and maybe an assumption of permanence, constancy.
Man Pan Lau: “If we should open our eyes and ears, if we had more attention for our environment, if we realized  more how vulnerable we are and how temporary life is, then it would not be hard to accept that in our existence nothing is obvious or permanent."


Het Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura in Groningen werd opgericht in 1832 met als doel: 'de beeldende kunst en de nijverheidskunst in de ruimste zin van het woord aan te moedigen en te bevorderen.' Pictura is gehuisvest in een mooi, monumentaal pand aan het Martinikerkhof in Groningen. In de sfeervolle zalen exposeren professionele kunstenaars van uiteenlopende richtingen en disciplines, maar de hoofdmoot is figuratief.


Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura
St Walburgstraat 1
tel 050 312 29 53