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Galerie Noord
1 May 2021 to 24 May 2021

About this activity.

Mariëlle Gebben and Peter Boersma show how their work changed in the year of postponement. One went from clear work, in which the mind was allowed to run with mathematical truths, back to an abstract feeling. The other left through white depths to the other side of his landscapes, where refined compositions lead the way. Both worked from large to small.

Mariëlle Gebben graduated cum laude from the Photo Academy Amsterdam in 2017. Since then she has been working on her ongoing project Rabbit. In it, she explores an imaginary world, right through time, place and matter, together with her worn-out cuddly rabbit. Her work consists of abstract images that she constructs in her photo studio using paper, paint, glass, reflection and light. In the CANDY SHOP she shows photos from just before the lockdown in 2020 and from the period that followed. Symbolically for the time that often solidified, she shows work made with wax and oil pastels for the first time.

Peter Boersma has been working as an artist and graphic designer since graduating from Minerva Academy in 2000. In his free work he combines his talent for form and composition with his unique technique of "tape transfers". With pieces of adhesive tape he removes fibers, shards and fragments of paper from old documents. That is the material with which he subsequently builds up his stories layer by layer. He packs the resulting abstract landscapes in a layer of epoxy. In the CANDY SHOP he shows the largest work he has made so far and the much smaller works that were created last year.

1 to 24 May 2021
opening hours: Wed, Thu, Sun: 13-17; free: 13 - 20; Sat: 13-18.

Galerie Noord.

Galerie Noord is een expositieruimte in hartje Groningen. Vierwekelijks bieden we kunstenaars uit het Noorden de mogelijkheid recent werk te tonen, solo of in kleine groepen. Galerie Noord richt zich op autonoom, experimenteel en onderzoekend werk in vrijwel alle disciplines. We willen bezoekers verrassen door tentoonstellingen te bieden met een wisselend karakter. 
Galerie Noord wordt volledig gerund door vrijwilligers. In 1997 werd de galerie opgericht als kunstenaarsinitiatief.


Galerie Noord
Nieuwstad 6
tel 050-3113322