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An animal that speaks

6 November 2021 to 12 December 2021

About this activity.

When two things are one, is it a conflict or harmony? How film can be both the material carrier and the result of a recording process. Papers are the surfaces we write, or draw, or print on as well as the documents they lead to. A letter is one part of the alphabet, each with a sound of its own, but also the sum of its parts: open, undisclosed, of intent – a logo that might once have been an animal. So a Penguin is two things, distinguished by a capital p, and there are many robins who share that name. The world is (not) a word that can be read. There are impossible books, with purple possibilities from cover to cover, and there is always an unopened envelope in my Gmail.

The exhibition An animal that speaks at ARTisBOOK is Waart’s fifth book and continues his contribution to Artispage earlier this year, starting from what it means to take things, objects, ideas seriously literally – as a process, and its outcome: a literary animal, a book that lasts five weeks and has its own isbn.


The 2018 Artists' Book Week was the first activity of the ARTisBOOK foundation. The success of this week has accelerated the initiation of more structural attention to the artist book. During the week, contacts were made with institutions, museums and interested parties as well as beginning and established talented artists and other creators. Support for the continuation of the activities was tested and it emerged that not only seeing or owning artists' books, but also encounters, conversations and collaborations should be given space. Almost two years down the line, ARTisBOOK will have its own location in the centre of Groningen by 1 September 2020 and has a clear idea of how it wants to proceed.

An animal that speaks
Robin Waart
6.11.2021 – 11.12.2021

Opening hours: Thursday, Friday and Saturday
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM and by appointment

Stichting ARTisBOOK.

Stichting ARTisBOOK is een onderzoeks- en presentatieruimte voor hedendaagse kunstenaarsboeken en haar makers. In samenwerking met de kunstenaars creëren we programma’s waarin gastvrijheid, collectiviteit, experimenteren en kennisuitwisseling centraal staan. We dagen de kunstenaar uit ‘te spelen met ideeën over het kunstenaarsboek’ en nieuwe relaties te onderzoeken tussen hun werk en het publiek.

Door onze samenwerking met andere ruimtes en organisaties ontstaan er kruisbestuivingen en nieuwe mogelijkheden om ons programma met een breed publiek te ontwikkelen en te onderzoeken. Als kenniscentrum voorzien we studenten en kunstenaars van advies, ons archief is publiekelijk toegankelijk en er worden gesprekken en gastlessen met de exposerende kunstenaars georganiseerd.


westerhavenstraat 14